Promotion to the next class is granted to pupil on the basis of his /her overall performance during the academic session. Hence the importance of regularity in attendance and work is imperative. The general criterion for promotion is that the student has grasped the subject matter of his / her present class sufficiently well to follow the syllabus of the next higher class easily.
Pre- School: – Nursery, K.G. – I & K.G. – II
For the purpose of the examination the whole syllabus is divided into two parts. Promotion to the next class is granted on the basis of his / her overall performance during the academic session and through continuous comprehensive evaluation system.
Primary School: – Classes I to V:
For the purpose of the examination the whole syllabus is splitted into two parts. The syllabus of any particular term will not be re-assessed. Promotion to the next Class is granted on the basis of his / her overall performance during the academic session and through prescribed evaluation system.
Middle/Secondary/Sr. Secondary School:- Classes VI to XII will be as per CBSE Guidelines)
For the purpose of the examination the whole syllabus is splitted into two parts (XI to VIII only). Aminimum of grade D in each subject is required for the promotion to the next higher class. The whole years’ syllabus will be assessed in the Annual Pre-Board Examination. A minimum score of 33% marks is mandatory in all the subjects without practicals. In subjects with practicals, an independent score of 33% in theory & 33% in practicals is a must to pass in the subject.
N.B.: It will be desirable for a student of class X / XII to qualify the Pre-Board Examination with minimum score of 33% marks in each subject.